Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Caitlyn Jenner Making History!

      Hello everyone! Long time no see. I have been gone for a good while, but in my absence many things have happened, so I am back.

     I don’t know if you remember but a while ago I did a story about Caitlyn, formerly known as Bruce Jenner, being a woman. At the time the only evidence there was of Caitlyn’s transition was a few surgeries and some magazines’ failed attempts at photo shop.  Now, many months later, we know that these rumors were in fact true. Bruce is no more and the world is left with the ever so gorgeous Caitlyn Jenner.

     Many people have taken this opportunity to shine light on the transgender community and really all of the LGBTQ community. Honestly using Caitlyn as an example is amazing. It shows people that it doesn’t matter who you are, or how you were raised; the way you feel inside can still be different then how you look. It also shows everyone that normal people can go through this. People who look like they are confident and comfortable with who they are can go through this too, not just outcast who want to fit in.

     However, with all of this positive press towards the LGBTQ community there is bound to be some negative. Sadly many Christians are taking a stand against the LGBTQ community. They are saying many hateful things towards them and berating them for their choices in life. I, myself, am a Christian however I don’t see the point in hating people just because of something they chose to do with their life. I will not hate them because I, myself, have sinned many times, and until I am perfect I have no right to tell other people how to live there life. I once read a blog that said that our job as Christians is to shine a light not to open our mouths and attack random people because we don’t agree with them.

      All in all, I am so happy for Caitlyn Jenner, and I hope that she gets to live a happy life. I am also very happy that the world we live in today is so open to everyone’s individuality. Even though many people think that the world we live in is terrible, I still believe that this openness that most of us feel towards everyone proves that there is at least a little bit of hope left.

                                      Thanks for reading! I hope you have a wonderful day!!