Thursday, July 2, 2015

Iggy Azalea VS Britney Spears?

Hello everybody! I hope your day is going good! Today I am going to talk about Iggy Azalea. By now we all know that every time Iggy goes on social media some kind of drama will get started. So basically, a couple of days ago, she went on twitter, and a fan asked her why she thought “Pretty Girls” didn’t perform as well as they thought it would. In her response she basically said that the whole reason for it failing was Britney Spears fault.

Her exact words were “its difficult to send a song up the charts without additional promo and tv performances etc. unfortunately im just featured...” I don’t know about you, but to me this seems like she is throwing some shade at Britney. I mean who else would she be saying needed to do additional promo for the song. She even pointed out that she was only featured.

The funnest thing is that Iggy has already canceled her tour not once but twice for various reasons. How can she say that Britney needs to do more work to promote her songs, when she can’t even get her tour put together?  I mean maybe Britney was busy taking care of her two children. What is Iggy’s excuse?

Britney Spears fired back by saying, “Can’t wait to get back to Vegas. So thankful I have shows for the rest of the year to look forward to... #YouWantAPieceOfMe”. I mean I think she basically got the message across. Nobody tells her that she isn’t working hard enough!

 What do you think about all this Drama? Do you think Iggy should really just quit the internet, like she said she would do in the past? Or do you agree with her and think that Britney Spears should have promoted the song more.

And as always THANKS FOR READING!!

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Rachel Dolezal: Why is Race so Important?

Hello everyone. Many of you may recognize the name Rachel Dolezal. If you don’t, she is the women who was born white but says that she identifies as black. She also used to be the leader of the NAACP, but has since stepped down since this whole scandal started.
 Many people are very upset by this. Truthfully, I feel that a person should be allowed to be whoever they want to be. And, it’s not like this is the first time we have seen this. For example: Michael Jackson. However, I think what lots of people are upset about isn’t the fact that she chose to change race, but the fact that she lied about it. When asked if she was born white, the first time, she denied it and later went as far too even denied her own parents. Her doing that makes me, first, feel sorry for her parents and, second, make me feel like she is hiding something. Honestly, I don’t understand why she wouldn’t just tell people. It’s not like people would hate her for it, and if they did, who cares. People hate others just for breathing.
Later on she did and interview on the “Today Show”, where she admitted to being born white and changing her race. In the interview she said, “I was drawing self-portraits with the brown crayon instead of the peach crayon, and black curly hair.” Maybe I just don’t understand the feeling of wanting to be another race, but I don’t get how a person can feel a certain race. I am a biracial person, yet I don’t ever really feel myself identifying with one race more than another. However, like I said before, maybe I just don’t get it.
One thing that upsets me is that some people are saying that if Caitlyn Jenner can be a girl then Rachel Dolezal can identify as black. However, and this is in no way Rachel’s fault, should race be that important? I mean gender is very important because in today society women can do certain things that men can’t, for example wear makeup, dresses, and other “girly” things, and vice versa. Not to say that everyone follows those strict guidelines, just society’s norm is for girls and boys to be different. However, I thought this country was over viewing races differently. I mean, that is what I was taught in school; people are people no matter what skin tone. I understand that there is and always will be racism, but in most situations, one race is never excluded from doing something another race can. I just think that it is sad that in America today, people feel that race is so important. Why does there have to be things that black people do, and white people do. Why can't we just look at people as people; not the color of their skin?
How do you feel about this? Does Rachel Dolezal have the right to change her race, or should she have to identify as white? Comment below.

And as always, THANKS FOR READING!