Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Brangelina Over! & Inappropriate Teacher?

Hello everyone! I hope that everyone is having a great week this week. Today I am going to give a little run down on some crazy and sad stories at have been circulating the internet recently. I hope you enjoy!
First off, and arguably the most important, Brangelina is no more. The world was shocked on September 20, when it was announced that Jolie filed for divorce do to  “irreconcilable differences”.
The couple has 6 children together, with three adopted and three biological. And when it was later announced that Jolie was seeking sole custody of all six children, rumors and questions started swirling about this decision; including rumors of abuse on Pitt’s part (which led to an investigation).
TMZ reported that “Angelina became "fed up" with Brad's consumption of weed and possibly alcohol, and mixed with what she believes is "an anger problem" ... felt it became dangerous for the children.” If this is true, then it is clear why she would seek sole custody. However, this does not automatically mean that abuse was part of the equation, and it is unfair to assume so without proper evidence to support the claims. Pitt is reportedly fighting this and seeking joint custody of their six children.
With all of this crazy drama it can be easy to forget that a family, with many children involved, is being split up. The children are between the ages of 15 and 8, so they all depend on their family to support them; yet they are still old enough to understand everything that is going on. For the sake of the children, I hope that everything works out in their favor, and that they can move on and learn from this experience.

In case you want to learn more about this story, here are some sources that helped me and that you might find interesting:

In other news, a few weeks back, a fourth grade teacher from Atlanta caused outrage for being too “hot”. Patrice Brown, also know as Paris Monroe, upset many people with outfits that they find inappropriate and distracting in a learning environment. While some of these outfits are a little tight, and could be view as inappropriate by some, other outfits being discussed include a tee-shirt and jeans. Brown also make sure to wear clothes in the classroom that is never low-cut or extremely short, making sure to cover up and not show excess skin. Yet people are still upset over a women with curves wearing clothes that fits.
The school even released a statement saying that they talked to Brown and she was cooperative and would abide by all the rules that the school has set in place. They seem to be taking her side on this, and even awarded her “Teacher of the Month” a few month ago, which sadly no one is discussing.
However, this drama has gain Brown a significant amount of instagram followers, now with about 297K followers (https://www.instagram.com/triceyl__/ ), and #teacherbae was even trending on twitter (you can click on it to see people's opinions and tweets on the topic as well).
Honestly this whole situation seems crazy. If she is abiding by the rules, and if the school sees no significant problem with her outfits, then why should people be so angry. I think Brown should continue doing her job and not let any negative attention affect her.
The sources used to find information:

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Open Letter to My Parents: Thank You

Life is all about growing up and discovering who you are. The people around you have a huge impact on the person you become, whether they affect you in a negative or positive way. My parents had a major role in molding me into the person I am today, even if I never realized it. This is an open letter to them, a way to say Thanks.

Dear Mom,
As a child, I saw you as a superhero. I watched you love, help, fix, feed, and provide for me, all while working hard and living your own life. I thought you could do anything, and you were perfect to me. I knew that I could go to you for anything, and I believed that you were one of the smartest people in the whole world.
However, one day, my whole world fell to pieces. I do not remember exactly what took place, but you did not have all the answers. I started becoming embarrassed by things I never noticed before, and I suddenly did not want to spend every second of everyday with you. The realization that you were not perfect sent me on a roller coaster of emotion. First I was angry, then hurt, then lost. However, now I want to thank you. Thanks for teaching me that I do not need to be perfect to be amazing. Thank you for showing me how to be strong yet gentle. Thank you for being my rock and support.

Dear Dad,
Much like Mom, as a child I thought you were perfect. I remember being able to ask you the craziest most outrageous question I could think of, and you would have an answer for it. I was fascinated by you extensive knowledge of everything imaginable. However, one day, I started to question your opinion. I do not remember what you said, but i do remember not agreeing with it. I felt like I mentally hit a wall, because the man who had all the answers was suddenly telling me something that contradicted what I had learned. I was left with a lasting burning question as to who to believe. Was I wrong, or you?  
Today, not much has changed. You still have extreme and unwavering opinions about everything, but you have taught me that I can too. Some of my favorite conversations that we have are the ones where we debate. I love hearing how truly differently we view the world, and sometimes, you open up my mind to things I never considered before. You have shown me that there is nothing wrong with having opinions, and that they are necessary in discovering who you are. For that I thank you.

Over the past year I have learned so much about myself, and I have grown much closer to the person that I want to be. I have discovered to love myself and to truly enjoy the beauty of life. Although y’all may not have done anything directly to help me, your love and support has pushed me through even my darkest days. I may not be perfect or flawless, however, your unconditional love will always continue to guide me throughout the rest of my life. Thank you for everything.

Hopefully this can inspire people to have the same realization about their parents, as I did about mine. Although parents are not perfect, they are still loving and amazing, and they determine who we become as people, more than we could ever imagine. Thanks for reading!

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Racial Awareness

Throughout history there has always been a group of people who were fighting to get equal rights as everyone else, mainly because there have always been a race, gender, or another socially dividing factor that has cause one group to be superior to another. It makes sense, that if one group is contently considered dominant over another, the weaker of the two groups would eventually stand up, and say enough is enough, and try to put a stop to it.  However, many people still get surprised or even infuriated when people try to stand up for themselves, as if it has not been going on for decades, even centuries.
For example, in America, Black History Month has happened every February since 1976, and before that, there was Negro History Week, every second week in February, since 1926. Why then, do people seem so surprised and offended every year it takes place? Some people have even gone as far as to say “White Live Matter Too”. Obviously most people can see how this can be very offensive to many people, since black people have had to overcome many obstacles in this country through the decades. Only until recently have they had mostly equal rights, considering that segregation only became illegal in 1954, and that was only truly for education, in the Brown V. Board of Education trail. True integration didn’t happen until much later. One of the main reasons for things like Black History Month is to inform people of facts like this, and of all of the amazing and courageous people who fought to make everyone equal. Without knowledge of these events, younger generations will never fully understand all the obstacles that people had to go though to make America the way it is today, and they will take for granted all of the freedoms that they have been given. The goal of any event that raises awareness is not to take away other people's rights, or to try and make one group superior over the other, but rather to help preserve the legacy of the people, who fought and even risked their lives, to create a better country for us to live in. Without awareness of theses people and events, all of their hard work would have been for nothing.
Obviously there are many more issues than just this one, such as: gay and transgender rights, feminism, Mexican immigration, stigmas about Muslims, the list could go on and on. However, the only way that any of the issues can find a solution is by raising awareness, which would allow everyone to realize that there are still issues that need to be fixed. Without the awareness of the issues going on around us, people would never get to look outside of the walls of their life, and see the disheartening amount of discrimination still going on in America alone. I understand that not everyone will agree with what everyone has to say, and that maybe what one person is standing up for is not something that you believe in. However, there is a difference in saying your opinion and deliberately trying to hurt someone else just for stating facts. I beg everyone to open up their hearts and their minds to, at the very least accept that, for one, some people are going to have different opinions than you, and also, the world is changing and the only thing you can do is hold on and hope for the best.

Thanks for reading and have a great day!