Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Giuliana Rancic vs. Zendaya?

 As most people know, the Oscars took place this past Sunday. One huge part of the red carpet is the best and worst dressed list. One star, Zendaya, was praised for her outfit on many best dressed lists, however, on one that was not the case. I know you may be thinking, so what if not everybody liked her, everybody gets judge on the red carpet. However, it was not the fact that Zendaya was being ridiculed that made her upset, it was what the person had to say.

Giuliana Rancic is known for being a fashion police. Everybody knows that she will say her opinion whether everyone likes it or not. However, she might have taken it too far by saying that Zendaya’s dreadlocks made her look like she smelled like weed. This statement is very offensive, and I can see why Zendaya and many other people are upset. I mean, if someone who didn't know me, said things like that about me, I would be angry too. Saying that dreadlocks automatically mean that they smoke weed is a huge stereotype.

Zendaya even spoke out saying that her comments were outrageously offensive and ignorant. She then went on to list many people in her life, including her dad and bother, and other famous or well-known people that all have dreadlocks, and do not smell like weed. Zendaya was really hurt by this comment, and I fell that she didn't just take it as a blow to her, but also as a blow to everyone in the world that has dreadlocks.

Giuliana Rancic later apologized, saying that the she is sorry if she offended anyone, and that the comment was not meant to be racist. Many people are not excepting this apology though, saying that of course she offended everyone, and that she should know better.

Whenever I first saw the comments, I did not really think of it as a race thing, only because I have seen many people, regardless of ethnicity, with dreadlocks. I do, however, see how this comment is extremely offensive.  I think that this is a great way to point out that stereotype are not always accurate, and how we would all be better off just keeping them to ourselves. However, Giuliana Rancic’s job is to criticize outfits. I am in no way shape or form supporting her comments, all I am saying is that maybe she said it without really thinking it though. Everyone has done this at some point in their life. She is definitely not the first person to say things that offended people, and she will sadly not be the last. And at least she publically apologized to Zendaya, and tried to make things right. Hopefully she will learn from this experience, and chose her words more carefully next time.

What do you think? Is what Giuliana Rancic said really that offensive, or are people just over reacting? Comment below!

 And as always, thanks for reading! Bye!

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