Friday, February 13, 2015

Shortest Celebrity Marriages!

Hello everyone. Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day, so today I am going to talk about some of the shortest celebrity marriages of all time. Because, of course, the best way to start off Valentine’s Day is by looking at other peoples relationships that have failed.

The first former couple we are looking at is Drew Barrymore and Tom Green. This couple had a yearlong engagement which sadly lasted longer than their marriage. Their July marriage only lasted until December of the same year, and they were only marriage for 163 days.

The next couple is Pamela Anderson and Kid Rock. They had an on and off again relationship back in 2001-2003. When the couple started dating again, in 2006, they got married, but this marriage only lasted 122 day. Maybe their marriage would have lasted longer if they didn't wear a white bikini, a white tee-shirt and a baseball cap to it.

Next is Nicolas Cage and Lisa Presley. They had an on and off again relationship for two year, and in August of 2002 they had their wedding in Hawaii. Sadly their marriage ended in November of the same year and only lasted 107 days. This however was not the first divorce for Mrs. Presley, since she had already been married twice before.

Another couple was the ever so famous was Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries. Who could forget when they announced that they were getting married?  Finally Kim had found someone. But then after only 72 days of being married, they called it quits. The whole world went crazy, saying that Kim only got married for the money and publicity. I kind of figured that the marriage wouldn't workout. I mean, aside from the fact that Kim’s family didn't really like Kris, was I the only one that found it creepy that Kim was marring a guy with the same name and spelling as her mom.

Lastly was the every so short marriage of Britney Spears and Jason Alexander. This couple had a “fairy tale” wedding in the beautiful city of Las Vegas. Even though it seemed like their wedding at the Little White Wedding Chapel would last forever, sadly their marriage only lasted for 55 hours. I guess it just wasn't meant to be.

Sometimes love just doesn't last. These couples probably thought that they would be together forever, but sadly “till death do us part" just didn't come true. It is always sad to see couple break up, but at least they realized that they would be happier without each other.

What do you think of all of these sadly short marriages? Comment below.

I hope you all have a Happy Valentine’s Day, and I hope you get to spend it with people that you love. BYE!

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