Thursday, July 2, 2015

Iggy Azalea VS Britney Spears?

Hello everybody! I hope your day is going good! Today I am going to talk about Iggy Azalea. By now we all know that every time Iggy goes on social media some kind of drama will get started. So basically, a couple of days ago, she went on twitter, and a fan asked her why she thought “Pretty Girls” didn’t perform as well as they thought it would. In her response she basically said that the whole reason for it failing was Britney Spears fault.

Her exact words were “its difficult to send a song up the charts without additional promo and tv performances etc. unfortunately im just featured...” I don’t know about you, but to me this seems like she is throwing some shade at Britney. I mean who else would she be saying needed to do additional promo for the song. She even pointed out that she was only featured.

The funnest thing is that Iggy has already canceled her tour not once but twice for various reasons. How can she say that Britney needs to do more work to promote her songs, when she can’t even get her tour put together?  I mean maybe Britney was busy taking care of her two children. What is Iggy’s excuse?

Britney Spears fired back by saying, “Can’t wait to get back to Vegas. So thankful I have shows for the rest of the year to look forward to... #YouWantAPieceOfMe”. I mean I think she basically got the message across. Nobody tells her that she isn’t working hard enough!

 What do you think about all this Drama? Do you think Iggy should really just quit the internet, like she said she would do in the past? Or do you agree with her and think that Britney Spears should have promoted the song more.

And as always THANKS FOR READING!!

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Rachel Dolezal: Why is Race so Important?

Hello everyone. Many of you may recognize the name Rachel Dolezal. If you don’t, she is the women who was born white but says that she identifies as black. She also used to be the leader of the NAACP, but has since stepped down since this whole scandal started.
 Many people are very upset by this. Truthfully, I feel that a person should be allowed to be whoever they want to be. And, it’s not like this is the first time we have seen this. For example: Michael Jackson. However, I think what lots of people are upset about isn’t the fact that she chose to change race, but the fact that she lied about it. When asked if she was born white, the first time, she denied it and later went as far too even denied her own parents. Her doing that makes me, first, feel sorry for her parents and, second, make me feel like she is hiding something. Honestly, I don’t understand why she wouldn’t just tell people. It’s not like people would hate her for it, and if they did, who cares. People hate others just for breathing.
Later on she did and interview on the “Today Show”, where she admitted to being born white and changing her race. In the interview she said, “I was drawing self-portraits with the brown crayon instead of the peach crayon, and black curly hair.” Maybe I just don’t understand the feeling of wanting to be another race, but I don’t get how a person can feel a certain race. I am a biracial person, yet I don’t ever really feel myself identifying with one race more than another. However, like I said before, maybe I just don’t get it.
One thing that upsets me is that some people are saying that if Caitlyn Jenner can be a girl then Rachel Dolezal can identify as black. However, and this is in no way Rachel’s fault, should race be that important? I mean gender is very important because in today society women can do certain things that men can’t, for example wear makeup, dresses, and other “girly” things, and vice versa. Not to say that everyone follows those strict guidelines, just society’s norm is for girls and boys to be different. However, I thought this country was over viewing races differently. I mean, that is what I was taught in school; people are people no matter what skin tone. I understand that there is and always will be racism, but in most situations, one race is never excluded from doing something another race can. I just think that it is sad that in America today, people feel that race is so important. Why does there have to be things that black people do, and white people do. Why can't we just look at people as people; not the color of their skin?
How do you feel about this? Does Rachel Dolezal have the right to change her race, or should she have to identify as white? Comment below.

And as always, THANKS FOR READING!

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Caitlyn Jenner Making History!

      Hello everyone! Long time no see. I have been gone for a good while, but in my absence many things have happened, so I am back.

     I don’t know if you remember but a while ago I did a story about Caitlyn, formerly known as Bruce Jenner, being a woman. At the time the only evidence there was of Caitlyn’s transition was a few surgeries and some magazines’ failed attempts at photo shop.  Now, many months later, we know that these rumors were in fact true. Bruce is no more and the world is left with the ever so gorgeous Caitlyn Jenner.

     Many people have taken this opportunity to shine light on the transgender community and really all of the LGBTQ community. Honestly using Caitlyn as an example is amazing. It shows people that it doesn’t matter who you are, or how you were raised; the way you feel inside can still be different then how you look. It also shows everyone that normal people can go through this. People who look like they are confident and comfortable with who they are can go through this too, not just outcast who want to fit in.

     However, with all of this positive press towards the LGBTQ community there is bound to be some negative. Sadly many Christians are taking a stand against the LGBTQ community. They are saying many hateful things towards them and berating them for their choices in life. I, myself, am a Christian however I don’t see the point in hating people just because of something they chose to do with their life. I will not hate them because I, myself, have sinned many times, and until I am perfect I have no right to tell other people how to live there life. I once read a blog that said that our job as Christians is to shine a light not to open our mouths and attack random people because we don’t agree with them.

      All in all, I am so happy for Caitlyn Jenner, and I hope that she gets to live a happy life. I am also very happy that the world we live in today is so open to everyone’s individuality. Even though many people think that the world we live in is terrible, I still believe that this openness that most of us feel towards everyone proves that there is at least a little bit of hope left.

                                      Thanks for reading! I hope you have a wonderful day!!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Iggy Azalea Quitting Internet?

Hello everyone! Today I am going to talk about Iggy Azalea quitting the internet. After receiving tons of hate for a bikini picture taken in Hawaii, Iggy has decided that she is tired of all the negativity, and she chose to take a long break for all social media.

On the 18th, a picture was released showing Iggy in a bikini. She looks good in the picture, but the thing that has everyone talking is the fact that she has cellulite. OMG! A WOMAN HAS CELLULITE! Everyone was acting like cellulite is a rare disease, and that Iggy was the ugliest human being on the whole planet. The sad thing is that this is not the first time that people have hated on Iggy for something stupid. There are already people saying that she looks like a transvestite, or like the men on White Chicks. I don’t understand why everyone has to hate on her so much. What did she do that cause people to hate her so much?

Well, because of all of this hate, Iggy has decided to take a long vacation from all social media. She said that her reason for doing this is because all of the negativity is making her a negative person, and that is not who she wants to be. Also that it is not fair, to her fans, for her to be so negative and hateful. She said that her management team would be the ones making post from now on, and that if it was her then she would sign it –IA.

I completely respect Iggy’s choice. Lots of people are saying that she just can’t handle a little hate and that she should just suck it up, but I disagree. I mean, some people can’t just brush off hate, but I definitely don’t think that this makes them weak. And at least she was brave enough to say, you know what, this is getting to me. And instead of listing to the haters, she walked away. Isn't that what we teach little kids to do? If someone is bulling you, be the bigger person and walk away. Don’t fight back. So how is her walking away, making the haters the winners?

What do you think? Is Iggy weak, or did she do the right thing? Comment below!!

And as always, thanks for reading! BYE!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Amber Rose vs. Khloe Kardashian, Tyga, and Kanye West?

Hello again everyone! Today I am going to talk about the whole Khole Kardashian vs. Amber Rose drama. This “feud” between them has been going on for a couple of weeks now. It all started when Amber Rose went on The Breakfast Club to do an interview, and she brought up the fact that rapper Tyga and Kylie Jenner should not be dating, and that Kylie is too young. Now Kylie is 17 and Tyga is 25, so if they are dating then it is not ethical or legal, but that is still none of Amber’s business.

Of course, since Kylie is Khloe’s little sister, Khloe came to her defense. Khloe took to twitter to call out Amber for being a stripper at 15, and basically told her to stay out of Kylie’s business. Then Amber fired back saying that she had no problem being a whore to support her family when Khloe’s older sister (Kim) is a whore to support hers. This arguing went on all night, and as you can tell it was pretty harsh.

Then later on Tyga went on The Breakfast Club, and they asked him about him and Kylie’s relationship. He said that they were just friends, but then went on to say that since he is black everyone assumes that he is sleeping with his friends, but if he would be white then that would not be the case. So instead of just saying we are just friends he blamed his race for why people think that he is dating a 17 year old.

After that, Kanye went on The Breakfast club to be interviewed. Now you know when Kanye has an interview he is going to say something interesting.  While on The Breakfast Club he decided to address the fact that Amber called Kim a whore. Now he and Amber date for about 2 years before he dated Kim. Kanye said in the interview that "It's very hard for a woman to wanna be with someone that's with Amber Rose. I had to take 30 showers before I got with Kim,” and that "She's just soaking in the moment. If Kim had dated me when I wanted, there would be no Amber Rose."  This is very harsh, especially considering that they dated for 2 year. That could not have possibly all been fake! But who knows with Kanye.

I personally feel that all of this has gotten way out of hand. I mean, I love Khloe, but she really didn't have to respond to Amber’s comments, and then Kanye would never have gotten mad. And if Tyga would relies that it doesn't matter if he is black, white or purple, people would still be concerned that a 25 year old is spending a lot of time with a 17 year old, he would be a lot better off too!

What do you think? Have they taken it too far? Comment below!

And as always, thanks for reading

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Giuliana Rancic vs. Zendaya?

 As most people know, the Oscars took place this past Sunday. One huge part of the red carpet is the best and worst dressed list. One star, Zendaya, was praised for her outfit on many best dressed lists, however, on one that was not the case. I know you may be thinking, so what if not everybody liked her, everybody gets judge on the red carpet. However, it was not the fact that Zendaya was being ridiculed that made her upset, it was what the person had to say.

Giuliana Rancic is known for being a fashion police. Everybody knows that she will say her opinion whether everyone likes it or not. However, she might have taken it too far by saying that Zendaya’s dreadlocks made her look like she smelled like weed. This statement is very offensive, and I can see why Zendaya and many other people are upset. I mean, if someone who didn't know me, said things like that about me, I would be angry too. Saying that dreadlocks automatically mean that they smoke weed is a huge stereotype.

Zendaya even spoke out saying that her comments were outrageously offensive and ignorant. She then went on to list many people in her life, including her dad and bother, and other famous or well-known people that all have dreadlocks, and do not smell like weed. Zendaya was really hurt by this comment, and I fell that she didn't just take it as a blow to her, but also as a blow to everyone in the world that has dreadlocks.

Giuliana Rancic later apologized, saying that the she is sorry if she offended anyone, and that the comment was not meant to be racist. Many people are not excepting this apology though, saying that of course she offended everyone, and that she should know better.

Whenever I first saw the comments, I did not really think of it as a race thing, only because I have seen many people, regardless of ethnicity, with dreadlocks. I do, however, see how this comment is extremely offensive.  I think that this is a great way to point out that stereotype are not always accurate, and how we would all be better off just keeping them to ourselves. However, Giuliana Rancic’s job is to criticize outfits. I am in no way shape or form supporting her comments, all I am saying is that maybe she said it without really thinking it though. Everyone has done this at some point in their life. She is definitely not the first person to say things that offended people, and she will sadly not be the last. And at least she publically apologized to Zendaya, and tried to make things right. Hopefully she will learn from this experience, and chose her words more carefully next time.

What do you think? Is what Giuliana Rancic said really that offensive, or are people just over reacting? Comment below!

 And as always, thanks for reading! Bye!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Shortest Celebrity Marriages!

Hello everyone. Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day, so today I am going to talk about some of the shortest celebrity marriages of all time. Because, of course, the best way to start off Valentine’s Day is by looking at other peoples relationships that have failed.

The first former couple we are looking at is Drew Barrymore and Tom Green. This couple had a yearlong engagement which sadly lasted longer than their marriage. Their July marriage only lasted until December of the same year, and they were only marriage for 163 days.

The next couple is Pamela Anderson and Kid Rock. They had an on and off again relationship back in 2001-2003. When the couple started dating again, in 2006, they got married, but this marriage only lasted 122 day. Maybe their marriage would have lasted longer if they didn't wear a white bikini, a white tee-shirt and a baseball cap to it.

Next is Nicolas Cage and Lisa Presley. They had an on and off again relationship for two year, and in August of 2002 they had their wedding in Hawaii. Sadly their marriage ended in November of the same year and only lasted 107 days. This however was not the first divorce for Mrs. Presley, since she had already been married twice before.

Another couple was the ever so famous was Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries. Who could forget when they announced that they were getting married?  Finally Kim had found someone. But then after only 72 days of being married, they called it quits. The whole world went crazy, saying that Kim only got married for the money and publicity. I kind of figured that the marriage wouldn't workout. I mean, aside from the fact that Kim’s family didn't really like Kris, was I the only one that found it creepy that Kim was marring a guy with the same name and spelling as her mom.

Lastly was the every so short marriage of Britney Spears and Jason Alexander. This couple had a “fairy tale” wedding in the beautiful city of Las Vegas. Even though it seemed like their wedding at the Little White Wedding Chapel would last forever, sadly their marriage only lasted for 55 hours. I guess it just wasn't meant to be.

Sometimes love just doesn't last. These couples probably thought that they would be together forever, but sadly “till death do us part" just didn't come true. It is always sad to see couple break up, but at least they realized that they would be happier without each other.

What do you think of all of these sadly short marriages? Comment below.

I hope you all have a Happy Valentine’s Day, and I hope you get to spend it with people that you love. BYE!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Is Beyoncé Amazing?

 What do you think of when you hear the name BeyoncĂ©? Do you think of surfboards and watermelons, or do you think of women empowerment to the max. Either way BeyoncĂ© is truly amazing. I mean, every day she wakes up flawless, and she proves to everyone that girls do indeed run the world. Too many people, BeyoncĂ© is queen, and they dedicate their lives to being more like her in every aspect of themselves. BeyoncĂ© really does have a huge impact on people’s lives, but why does everyone truthfully think that BeyoncĂ© is amazing?

For one thing, she truly is flawless. It seems like you could never catch that girl off guard. One time, while preforming on stage, her hair got caught in a fan. But did she stop… nope! She keeps singing like a true worrier, because she knew that the show must go on. Also at the Grammys, when Kanye walked on stage, Jay Z might have look like a kid who can’t find his mom at Wal-Mart, but not BeyoncĂ©. She was just smiling as pretty as ever. Nothing can stop her.

Another thing is the fact that she released a secret album, and it was still super successful. Many artists have to campaign for months to get the kind of sells that she got. The day that she released her album, the internet blow up. People were so excited to receive this gift that Beyoncé had given to them. I feel that if anyone else tried to do the same thing, they would fail miserably.

I have to admit that I am definitely not the biggest Beyoncé fan out there. I do think that she is amazing, and I do like her music. However I would not say I am as big of a fan as some people. Some people are obsessed with her, and I am pretty sure that if something every happened to her they would die inside. Whatever type of fan you are, with the exceptions of a few hater, most people can agree that Beyoncé is amazingly talented, and her legacy will be left on this world forever. And I truly believe, that if she was the only person that the people of the future had to look up to, the world wouldn't be that bad of a place.

What do you think? Are you apart of the Beyhive, or could you care less about Beyoncé. Comment below!

 And as always, thanks for reading! BYE!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Justin Bieber Nice?

Hello everyone! So, over the past year Justin Bieber has gotten a pretty bad rep. I mean, he started out as a sweet little boy that got discover on YouTube, but after all the peeing in buckets, egging people’s houses, and spiting on fans, people have really started to hate him. However, Justin Bieber has recently apologized for his actions. So what does this mean for the future of Justin Bieber?

Justin has had a really tough year. Being in the public eye so much can be really hard on a person. I am not saying that this excuses his actions, but it cannot be easy having people following you around everywhere you go. And honestly, Justin is definitely not the first teenager to do all of these things. I mean egging a house is bad, but he is not the only person in the world that has ever done that. Some people are even blaming his friends, and they are saying that they are the reason that Justin is doing all these bad things. Again, Justin is not the first person to start hanging out with people that don’t make the best decisions. Although, knowing that he is in the public eye he should have made wiser decisions, instead of following with the crowd.

Recently, after Justin was on the Ellen show, he made a video apologizing to everyone for the way he has been acting for the past year. In the video he talked about how he doesn't want people to think he is the person he was pretending to be. And how he wants to show people that he can be kind and loving, and to just show people that he really does care. I mean, the video sounded really convincing. He sounded like he genuinely didn't want people to see him as the jerk that he has been for the past year. Also, over the past few weeks he has reached out to a few fans, and he has not been in the news for anything negative.

Hopefully everyone can agree that we all like this new Justin better. No matter how you feel about him, everyone can agree that if he works hard and keeps his word to be a better human being, everyone will be happier. And then maybe the next time people start talking about Justin Bieber, it can be about his music and not the crazy things he did over the weekend.

What do you think? Is Justin actually trying to change, or did he make the video just to look good? Comment below.

And as always, thanks for reading!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Kanye West

Hello everyone! Yesterday I did a review on the Grammys (if you didn't read it you should definitely go check it out, if you want the complete run down), and one person that I did not talk about was Kanye West. I did mention that he tried to hop on stage, but I never went into full detail.

So Sunday night, Kanye was in two performances. For his first performance, it stated with all the lights off and a single light on stage. Kanye is standing by the light and when he started to sing, you could tell that his mic is very auto tuned. Right when I heard it, I was so disappointed. I mean, everyone already thinks that he is a jerk, and then instead of going on stage and showing everyone that he really is talented, he choose to use auto tune . Also the light was really distracting, and every time he walked over it, I found myself staring at the light and not even listening to him.

In the second performance, he was with Rihanna and Paul McCartney. I was really excited to see what they would do, but I feel like with all the hype, it was kind of a letdown. At least Kanye was singing more natural, and I am pretty sure that he didn't use any auto tune. They all sounded really good, but I think the part that upset me the most was that Paul didn't get to sing that much. He was the person I was really looking forward to hearing, and all he did was play guitar for Kanye and Rihanna. At least they all sound really good vocally.

So later on in the night they gave away the award for album of the year. As I said yesterday, Beck won, and Kanye was NOT happy about that. I feel that the whole world was shocked when BeyoncĂ© didn't win, but no one would threaten to go on stage and ruin Beck’s moment. When Kanye did everyone one was confused for a moment, but then when he walked back off everyone though that it was a joke. There is even a video of BeyoncĂ© and Jay Z’s reaction, and Jay Z looks mortified until everyone starts laughing. However, later on, during an interview with E News, Kanye reviles that it was indeed not a joke and that he feel that Beck should have given his award to BeyoncĂ©. Kanye’s exact words were “Beck needs to respect artistry and he should've given his award to BeyoncĂ©. Because when you keep on diminishing art and not respecting the craft and smacking people in their face after they deliver monumental feats of music, you're disrespectful to inspiration.” Of course Kanye would make an award show, where he won nothing, all about him. This just proves to people that Kanye is the most important person to Kanye.

What do you think of Kanye? Do you agree with everyone else, or do you think he is really a good person with a strong opinion? Comment below.

And as always thanks for reading! BYE!

Monday, February 9, 2015

Grammy Review!

Hello everyone! How has your Monday been? Today I am going to talk about the Grammys .Music’s biggest night took place last night, and it was pretty amazing. Although, it was very different from last year.  This year it was much calmer and you got to hear more vocals, which was amazing! The whole show was full of many amazing performances and Sam Smith wining almost every award. It did not disappoint!

ACDC opened the show with an amazing performance. This was a very different opening compared to last year, which was BeyoncĂ© and Jay Z singing “Drunk in Love”, but it was amazing nonetheless. Later on Madonna preformed a matador themed performance of “Living for Love”, which was of course so amazing. The Ed Sheeran performed with a couple of other people; one of them being John Mayer. He and John Mayer did a duet of “Thinking Out Loud”, and it was gorgeous. I mean, I already love that song, but with both of them together; it was to die for!

But then Hozier came out and he was sing “Take Me to Church”, and killing it by the way, but when he brought out Annie Lennox the house was brought down. This was probably one of my favorite performances of the whole night. When she started singing "I Put a Spell on You” I felt like she actually putting a spell on me, and I was mesmerized. Both of their vocals were AMAZING, and it left everyone watching in awe!

Pharrell later sang a really interesting version of happy. It started off really creepy and ending in its normally happy beat, complete with violinist and many dancers. Katy Perry sang a beautiful version of “By the Grace of God”, and the Usher sang a tribute to Stevie Wonder. Of course, BeyoncĂ© closed the show, and she sang “Take My Hand, Precious Lord”. This was a very different side of BeyoncĂ©, but it was so beautiful. This song reminded everyone how amazing BeyoncĂ©’s voice really is.

Sam Smith left the Grammys wining four awards, which were best new artist, best pop vocal album, song of the year, and record of the year. Beck won best rock album and album of the year, which Kanye wasn’t to happy about since he tried to pull a Kanye and hop on stage to say why BeyoncĂ© should have won. BeyoncĂ© and Jay Z won best R&B performance for “Drunk in Love”, and best pop solo album went to Pharrell for “Happy”.

What did you think of this year’s Grammys? Was it everything you were expecting, or did you want more? Comment below?

And as always, thanks for reading!

Friday, February 6, 2015


Hello everyone! So, the Grammys are this Sunday, and I am super excited! I can’t wait to see who wins each award (hopefully it is the people that I want to win…), and to see all of the performances. This year they have lots of amazing people set to preform, and I just can’t wait.

Some of the performers include BeyoncĂ©, Katy Perry, Sam Smith, Madonna, John Mayer, Ed Sheeran, Sia, Ariana Grande, and many more. Sadly Taylor Swift will not be preforming, but maybe she will perform somewhere else instead. I am super excited about this year’s lineup, because it has lots of my favorite singers, and I am guessing they are other people’s favorites too. I am not sure what everyone is singing, but I do know that Katy Perry is singing “By the Grace of God”, which is one of the less popular songs on her Prism album. I am really excited to see this performance, because, if you remember from my Katy Perry Super Bowl review, I said that I wish they she did not just sing her most popular songs. Hopefully everyone’s performance is spectacular, and the all leave everyone watching in awe.

As for the nominees, I think that most of them are going to be really hard to decide. I many, for best pop vocal album they have:

Ghost Stories by Coldplay                             Bangerz by Miley Cyrus
My Everything by Ariana Grande                    Prism by Katy Perry
X by Ed Sheeran                                          In The Lonely Hour by Sam Smith

I honestly have no idea who will win the award. I feel that all of these albums are amazing and they all deserve to win.

What do you think is going to happen at this year’s Grammys? Comment below!

One last thing, there is this YouTuber , and her name is Leighannsays. She is amazing, and she has a giveaway going on for some really awesome makeup stuff. If you are interested, you should definitely go check it out. Just click this link

Thanks for reading, and I hope you have an amazing Friday! Bye!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Katy Perry vs Taylor Swift?

Hello everyone! How has your day been today? Today I am going to talk about the Katy Perry and Taylor Swift drama. For those of you who don’t know what I am talking about, apparently Katy and Taylor have had a feud for a while now. I think it started because Katy stole one of Taylor Swift’s backup dancers, but I have heard a couple different things. Either way, rumor has it that Katy and Taylor do not like each other at all.

I am not really sure if the rumors are true though. I mean, some sources say that Taylor Swift’s song “Bad Blood” is about Katy Perry. Although in the song she talks about how they use to be mad love, and even though that could be about Katy, knowing Taylor Swift I feel that it is about an ex. Katy also tweeted to “watch out for the Regina George in sheep's clothing...”, but again that could have been about anyone, and everyone is just assuming that this is about Taylor. I mean I am pretty sure that both of them have more important things to worry about, and don’t have time to tweeting and writing songs, all because of a backup dancer.

On the other hand, this could be true. I mean sometimes when you are fighting to be more successful them someone else, it can cause conflict. And maybe the backup dancer is not the whole story. Maybe something else happened and that is why they don’t like each other.

If they are really fighting, it would be really sad. I mean, both of them are amazing singers, and they are awesome at what they do. Why should they be fighting, when working together would make them stronger in the end? Also, all of this drama has caused people to start picking sides. People are either team Taylor or team Katy. Although, truthfully, not one of them is better than the other. I mean they are both extremely successful, so why just chose one?

Do you think the rumors are true, or do you think Katy and Taylor are BFFs? Comment below!

 I hope you have an amazing rest of the day, and see you tomorrow. Bye!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Should Miley Be Famous?

Do you remember the days when Miley Cyrus was just a country girl who was a pop star by night?  Nope… me either. Miley has change a lot over the past couple of years, and it is hard to remember the innocent girl she used to be. I find it funny that in 2010, everyone was flipping out because of Miley’s “I Can’t Be Tamed” video came out. Everyone said that it was horrific and wildly inappropriate! Now when we compare that video with her videos today it looks like good clean family entertainment. Who knew getting a haircut could change a person so much.

Most people today, when they think of Miley, they think of wrecking balls, giant teddy bears, and a girl who never seems to have enough clothes. She loves to push the boundaries, and she how far she can go. The question is does she deserve to be famous?

Many people would say NO. They believe that she is a bad example for young children, and that she has no talent at all. I mean if she had talent then why would she have to go on stage half naked just to get people talking. They want to hold on to the old Miley, and the image that she presented, even though she has made it pretty clear that the old Miley is long gone.

Other people would say YES. Die-hard Smilers think that Miley is queen, and the crazier she gets the more they love her. You know how fandoms are? They are obsessed with their favorite celebrity, and they are willing to fight to the death to defend them. In their eyes Miley can do no wrong and no matter what she does they will support her with their tongues sticking out.

Personally I feel that Miley does deserve to be famous. I think that she have worked her tweaking butt off to get where she is, and she deserves all of the success that she has. However, I feel that all of the craziness is unnecessary. She does not need to go on stage and act like a fool to get noticed; her voice is amazing enough. I mean have you every listened to “Wrecking Ball” without the video. It is AMAZING! That girl can SING. Adding all the extra stuff just distracts from the fact that Miley is an awesome singer, and that is why she has made it this far.

What do you think? Is Miley queen, or should we just forget about her? Comment below!

                               I hope you have a wonderful day, and thanks for reading! 

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Bruce Jenner Sex Change?

Hello everyone! Today I am going to talk about Bruce Jenner. Bruce Jenner has been in the news lately because, apparently, he is having a sex change. All over the internet people are going crazy because a former gold metal Olympian is getting a sex change. Many sources “close to the family” are reveling that it is true, and that the whole family is try to cope with the idea of Bruce being a women. I just find it really fun that the actual family has nothing to say, but those sources (which are always 100% true) are more than happy to talk about his personal life. Maybe it is just me, but I feel that if someone told me something that big, I would not go around telling the whole world.

This whole story is getting really out of hand. Some magazines are photo shopping his face with makeup, and saying that it is proof. For one thing they could have spent way more time on trying to make it look at least a little more believable. The other thing is that even if he did want to be a woman, that doesn’t mean he wants to walk around with a face full of makeup.

Some people are even blaming the Kardashisan. They think that they somehow brain washed him into magically wanting to be a girl. I am sorry, but if I were a guy, and I saw how much time and effort the Kardashians spend every day on hair and makeup, I would never want to be a woman. But maybe that is just me.

Honestly, I am not really sure whether I believe this or not. I want to say it is not true, but part of me thinks it is possible. I mean this is not the first time someone has gotten a sex change, and it actual happened a lot. Just because he was once and Olympian does mean that he does want to be a woman. I just find it kind of fishy that he is 65 and just figuring it out that he wants to be a woman. Also this is not the first time people have been talking about this. Many years ago people said the same thing, and if it wasn’t true then, what makes it true now. Either way I hope that Bruce makes the right choice for himself and he does what he wants. No matter what happens he will still be a person who won some metals and divorced Kris Jenner.

Do you think the rumors are true? Will Bruce Jenner no longer be a man? Comment below.

Thanks for reading! Bye!  

Monday, February 2, 2015

Katy Perry's Super Bowl Preformance

Hello everyone! How has your day been today? Today I am going to talk about the super bowl half time show with Katy Perry. For the past month this performance has been getting tons of buzz. Everyone was wondering what she was going to do, and if it was going to be the best performance we have ever seen or just a waste of time. I was personally really excited, mainly because I love me some Katy P.  Unfortunately many people found the performance to be underwhelming. The media had been making it seem like this was going to blow all of our socks off, and sadly it never really did. Don’t get me wrong she sounded and looked great, but something just wasn’t right.

The beginning was amazing. The first thing you saw was Katy on a giant lion singing “Roar”. When I say giant I mean GIANT. That thing was massive. Next thing you know she was on a chess board that defied gravity, singing “Dark Horse” and it was AMAZING. During all of this she was in a flame outfit. (Which to be honest wasn’t my favorite.)

 Then she sang “I Kissed A Girl” with Lenny Kravitz, and I think they both sounded really good.

Next you see this beach scene with dancing sharks and beach balls. It was so cute! But this is where I started to question how much I like the performance. When I saw the background I thought that she might sing her song “This Is How We Do” which I love, but instead she started singing “Teenage Dream” and I was really confused. Of course after that she sang “California Girls” which was… okay.

During all of this Katy also had back up dancers that had on polka dot bikinis, and most people said that this is when she took a stab at Taylor Swift ( since Taylor has a bikini just like them), but I feel that people are just trying to come up with something.

 After that Missy Elliot came onstage, and she kind of looked like Janet Jackson and “Rhythm Nation”, but no hate she was good.

After that Katy finished the show with “Firework” on a shooting star. Again I feel that the song was not the best choice.

 Overall I liked it, but I feel that she could have done way better songs. She only did her most over popularized song, when lots of her other songs are way better. I feel that the song selection is what turned most people off. What she did was expected and people wanted to be amazed!

What did you thing of Katy’s performance? Did you love it? Did you hate it? Comment below.

I hope you all have an amazing day and thanks for reading!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Reveled Palette

A couple of weeks ago I brought the Coastal Scents “Reveled Palette”. I actually bought the original one and the reveled two palette, but I am only talking about the first one today. For months now I have been obsessed with all the Urban Decay “Naked” palettes. The only problem is that each of those palettes cost $50 dollars, and I don’t have a job, so I cannot afford that. One day I stumbled across the reveled palette, and many people were saying that it was a dupe of the naked 1 and 2. I was kind of skeptical, but I decided to look into it, and I am so happy that I did. The revealed palette comes with 20 shadows, and 17 of them are dupes for the first two naked palettes. The best part is that the revealed palette is only $20 dollars. That is only $1 per shadow! The colors are gorgeous and they are high quality too. Some people do say that the naked palettes have a little better quality, but for $50 I should hope so! Honestly, if you want the naked palette but you are scared to pay so much money, the reveled palette is a great option.

The dupes in the reveled palette:
§  Naked 1
·         Virgin
·         Sin
·         Naked
·         Buck
·         Half baked
·         Sidecar
·         Darkhorse
·         Toasted
·         Hustle
·         Gunmetal
§  Naked 2
·         Foxy
·         Bootycall
·         Tease
·         Half baked ( in 1 & 2)
·         Suspect
·         Verve
·         Snakebite
·         Pistol
·         YDK
·         Busted
·         Blackout

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Kylie Jenner

Hello everyone! I hope that you are having an amazing day! Today I am going to talk about Kylie Jenner. She has been all over the place and honestly I think it is getting kind of old. Don’t get me wrong, I love her. She seems really cool and she is gorgeous. I just don’t understand why everyone cares so much about every single little thing that she does. I mean how many things can a 17 year old do that are news worthy. 

That is probably why most of the stories about her seem fake. I mean first they were talking about her lips. Did she get injections? Were they fake? It has been proven that they are real, but honestly so what if they are fake. It is her body, and if she wants to pay thousands of dollars to change it she can.

 Now they are talking about how she maybe pregnant for Tyga’s baby. I personally don’t believe this but even if it was true this is none of our business. So what if she is pregnant, tons of people are pregnant. Honestly I feel that she should be allowed to live her life without people constantly making up stories about her.

Question of the day: How do you feel about Kylie Jenner being in the news so much? Do you love it, or could you care less? Comment below.

              Have a wonderful day! Bye!